Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Principle

The first principle.  They say that homosexuality is an inborn, involuntary condition.  There are no choices, there are no value judgments, no right and no wrong.  Do whatever is good for you as long as you aren’t hurting anyone.

Ed Young Jr tells us that the second one.  The sex lives of homosexuals and heterosexuals are similar and conventional.  I ask you, the acts that Dr. Montief just described: would you call those conventional and normal?  You be the judge.

Fellowship Church Grapevine states the third principle.  That homosexuals should have full rights to marry, have children, and establish themselves as families.  Now, how would you like children growing up in families who are participating in those kinds of activities?  They want to force on the private sector hiring quotas, and I’m talking about churches.  If churches would not hire homosexuals, we would lose our tax-exempt status.  They’re infiltrating the public schools.  Textbooks like “Heather Has Two Mommies” and “Daddy’s Two Roommates,” showing little ones how to masturbate and other techniques I will not describe.

Ed Young Pastor enumerates the fourth principles.  Any resistance to the movement should be viewed like racism or anti-Semitism.  “Oh-ho-ho!  You social terrorist!  Hey, man, don’t rain on my homosexual parade!  This guy’s a bigot.  This guy and this girl – ”  On and on and on it goes.

I don’t want you to pick up at all that this church or this pastor is homophobic, or that I hate homosexuals, because the Bible says over and over again that people matter to God.  Jesus was called a friend of sinners.  A friend of sinners.  When I die, I would love to have on my tombstone, “Ed Young, a friend of sinners, a friend of homosexuals, a friend of adulterers, a friend of mockers, a friend of liars.”  Would you like that to be on your tombstone?

Pastor Ed Young asks the third question: can homosexuals change?  Can they change?  Because, you see, if they were born that way, they couldn’t really change.  When I talk to a homosexual, I like to give them the bad-news verse and then the good-news verse.  Take your Bibles and turn to the book of 1 Corinthians.  1 Corinthians chapter 6, I’ll begin reading with verse 9.  I call verses 9 and 10 the bad-news verses, and verse 11 the good-news verse.  Here’s the bad news.  Here’s the apostle Paul writing to the Corinthian Christians.  Here’s what Paul says: “Do not be deceived.  Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.”  In other words, if someone is involved in a continual pattern of homosexuality, they will spend a Christless eternity.  They will not inherit the kingdom of God.